New Ventures

2 March 2004

At a breakfast meeting this morning, I felt the seed of an idea germinate. It’s going to take another two to four weeks for the sprout to be seen above ground, but it’s happening. Exciting times.

The first web entry I read this morning was James Lileks’s Monday post. I’m a day late, I know. He does the Dad thing early on, then he turned here:

Love this. From Drudge:

Elizabeth Bumiller of the NEW YORK TIMES asked Kerry: ”President Bush has said that freedom and fear have always been at war, and God is not neutral between them. He’s made quite clear in his speeches that he feels God is on America’s side.

”Is God on America’s side?”

James Lileks
The Bleat
March 1, 2004

You simply must read all of it. He boldly highlights how others’ choices of words resonate or don’t.

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