Will A Sequel Be Written?

11 September 2003

Every once in a while you run into a truly class act. I have. I’ve never talked to this fellow. We’ve exchanged emails and we’ve posted some comments on our respective weblogs. He’s better at this than I will ever be.

Steven Vore is his name. He lives near Atlanta, GA. Out of the blue and without any prompting, Steven managed to escalate my HP problems to a manager of customer satisfaction for the Americas. I’ve already had two phone calls, and I’m expecting a third.

Steven’s actions and those of the person I’ve talked to remind me of my first experiences with HP back in 1974. There was a quiet confidence that HP had truly outstanding products and the people were there to make absolutely certain you knew and understood both the product and what HP could do for you.

At this point I have no idea where all of this might be headed, but Steven Vore has gone way above and beyond the call of duty for a mere acquaintance. I’m most grateful for his efforts on my behalf. There are literally dozens of companies that would fire five to get one person with Steven’s level of commitment! Thanks and thanks once more!

To top it off, he read my luncheon dialog and contributed his own story. It’s a sad, but true part of the web design industry.

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