Day 6 Of Learning Xhtml

11 September 2003

Day 6 of the Web Design Workbook: Learning XHTML is now in place.

It raises more questions than it answers. I’m still trying to make distinctions between the (X)HTML code that is being produced when I type in Movable Type’s text entry box and the code that I produce by hand in Notetab Pro or TopStyle Pro.

A simple example is in order…

If I type a sentence like this and press the ”enter” or ”carriage return,” I move to the next paragraph of text like this.

What did Movable Type insert into the markup to make this render as a new paragraph?

These are the same kinds of questions I’m having about heading tags and what gets produced when CSS is in use and how tags get formatted when there is no CSS around.

Some days it feels like you are taking several long steps backwards. I’m sure I’m going to really like tools such as TopStyle and CSE Validator, but both seem to have very long learning curves; or, is it simply my continued ignorance of XHTML coding?

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