Building The Network

21 January 2003

Some say that fewer than 20% of available job openings are ever posted or advertised. That statistic is used to encourage us to base job searches on networking. You’ve somehow got to find people ”in the know” and make certain they understand what you are seeking.

I’m in a job search by weblog. In my particular case, I intend to relocate to the Pacific Northwest. Microsoft is an interesting possibility, but I’m 48 (almost 49) years old. I’m going to pursue them, but they may ignore me!

Building a network is a bit tougher when you’re planning a move across the country. Today, Frank Patrick provided a link to Ryze. It’s not yet completely clear to me whether Ryze is a playground for networkers or whether serious business networking can occur there. However, it’s great that after only 24 hours in a ”public” search, information is flowing that may help.

I don’t know Frank Patrick. I’ve read his weblog and browsed his web site. It’s clear that we have provided similar services to client companies. Largely about improving operations around time, cost or fewer customer complaints, the techniques that Frank and I employ can be used by companies in all kinds of industries and with all kinds of operational improvement opportunities.

Keep your ear to the ground and if you know someone in the Seattle area who is looking for an operations or technology management exec, drop me a note.

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