The World On Its Head

21 January 2003

Two Americans have been shot in Kuwait according to this story. This just shows that there is no ”safe-haven” for any of our people once they are on the ground in the Middle East. Even the so-called friendly nations (to the USA) are full of people who want to see harm come to our country and our people.

To that we add the anti-war protests, an unpredictable economy, pockets of high unemployment and unprecedented levels of family debt. Republicans and Democrats will say or do anything to capture the attention of a public that remains ill-informed.

We are living in a time when a relationship with God is paramount. Whatever or whomever you are putting your faith and trust in will fail you. You’ll walk from that relationship or dependency disillusioned, hurt and angry. You’ll search again after a suitable period of anger, and, unless you find a relationship with the one, true God, you’ll find yourself repeating the cycle.

Here’s the loan, lasting answer:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

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