Time For A Change

16 October 2003

”Money frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike doing nearly everything, money is handy.”

Groucho Marx

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Pizza At Home Can Be Dangerous

14 October 2003

”Those crazy drivers who deliver Domino’s pizza? They hold the 5th most dangerous job in America, dying in accidents at an annual rate of 38 per 100,000.” [Philip Greenspun Weblog]

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The Search For Significance

2 October 2003

There is so much going on right now. Steven Vore pointed to a weblog (and person) that’s new to me. Curt Rosengren is a Passion Catalyst (sm). He helps people who have gotten to that point in their lives where they’re saying, ”Hey, wait a minute; this isn’t the playground I signed up for…”

Those are topics near and dear to the Rodent Regatta. So many people are going through life without a clue as to why they are here. I’ve suggested Dan Miller’s materials many times here. We wrote about Rachel Lucas’s search and discovery in the area of finding a passion.

I look forward to reading Curt’s weblog. Now, my passion is around here somewhere…

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Living Below Average

25 August 2003

You can pick a pretty heavy network guy for like $12/hour nowadays…[Tim Bray’s brother]

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The Million Dollar Opportunity

18 August 2003

No, this isn’t the latest spam to hit your inbox. There’s a multi-million dollar opportunity lurking in literally thousands of companies. To my knowledge, it has not been addressed. Here are the seeds of it:

On the front of the room they ran a screen that showed how many calls were waiting, and how long they had waited to get to me. I don’t want to talk about those numbers, but they weren’t good.

Robert Scoble

Robert had just returned from helping Microsoft answer support calls concerning the ”worm.” He saw what a call center can be like. The art and science of matching capacity to demand in a call center is tricky work.

Most companies do not get it right. Hold times, abandoned calls, busy signals and flakey ”message-on-hold” technologies make a customer’s experience dismal. Get those things right and you may find yourself spending so much that no increase in customer satisfaction will be sufficient to cover your investment.

The state-of-the-art in 800#-support technology is still pretty bad. Figure this one out and you make zillions!

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