For The Unindoctrinated

28 May 2002

People who write weblogs like to be pointed at or linked to by other webloggers. It’s a way to build traffic to a site and its a way to gain credibility in the weblogging world. This link points at Jonathon Delacour’s site. He and another prominent blogger have apparently had a minor dispute over the value of links. This apparently escalated to the point of possible bribes, etc.

Links for Tim Tams scandal. Any pleasure I may have felt at seeing that Burningbird linked to both my Moral Clarity and 100 Best Works of Fiction posts immediately evaporated [Jonathon Delacour]

For those in the deep South who don’t have a clue what’s going on here, Jonathon lives in Australia. Apparently, Australians consume vast quantities of Tim Tams each year. Here’s what I learned about a Tim Tam! All in good fun!

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