Contemplating Site Redesign

28 July 2004

Web Standards SolutionsI’ve been listing site designs and specific features I like. I’m in the early stages of planning a site redesign. Pondering the obvious disruptions, inconveniences and ugliness that will happen if I undertake the changes myself, I’m also considering how I can learn design, if I continue to use professional design services. I’ve even put the sites I want to emulate at the top of my news reader. There are thirty great designs/designers on my ”top ten list.” I know.

In the last couple of days, I’ve been rereading Dan Cederholm’s sensational book. Then, just as I’m putting some more thoughts on paper, I run across Shirley Kaiser’s latest entry. She links to some very recent essays, articles and entries on web standards.

It’s great, and it will whet your appetite for what she’s planning to say on the subject in the coming days.

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