Weekend Steps

22 May 2004

WordPress 1.2 is now available, and I upgraded a test site to the new version this mornng. No problem at all. These things remain to be done:

  • find out how you install a new or second (third and fourth) template with a style-switcher
  • find out how to import MT entries into the test weblog
  • find out whether or not WordPress has a standard blogroll feature or whether I must migrate my blogrolls
  • figure out how to protect a WordPress weblog from comment-spam
  • figure out how Movable Type templates map to WordPress templates

All of this is going on while we wait on any additional revisions to MT’s licensing arrangement. One note of interest: after four or five entries, I attempted to validate the WordPress weblog. It validated!

  • * * UPDATE * * * In the effort to decide which product is going to get the majority of my attention going forward, I find this scoring of WordPress and Movable Type is pretty accurate and consistent with my own experience.


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