Outstanding News

21 May 2004

Word comes today that Six Apart is contemplating some additional changes/enhancements to licensing. Given that I’ve got quite a history (for me) with the product, this is great news. I’ve toyed with WordPress and a couple of other tools. I’m not fond of unpredictable upgrade and licensing plans, nor am I thrilled about licensing that is based upon the content I create.

However, I’m simply astounded at the effort (for me) that it takes to migrate an existing site to another weblog tool. Given my challenges with all the things that make up web design (e.g. templates, CSS, tags, XHTML, etc.), staying with Movable Type for existing work would be a very good thing. Remember, once I identify which tag is the one for ”date,” I’m still left to determine which template that must go into and how to position it in the final, rendered page.

I’ll be hedging my future by learning another tool that doesn’t put a content limitation in the license. That’s not the same as ”free,” but it certainly prevents a situation where I can’t create a new site because of a license limitation. In a perfect world, all of my helpers wouldn’t count against my author limit. Those people help me with scripts, markup and design and they have author accounts, but they don’t post anything.

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