
27 April 2004

For whatever reason, someone has just dropped a comment on an entry that dates back to Christmas Eve of last year. Here are the words from the comment as they were written: ”Borerline racism right here…”

That’s it. I can only guess at what the writer might have been implying. Just to clarify any confusion that might have resulted from my entry, I don’t like the position of the French government toward the USA. I don’t care who knows it.

Take a look at this quote:

The country that gave the world Voltaire is telling us the right to free speech doesnt include the right to be scornful.

James Lileks
The Bleat
November 13, 2003

People are much too quick to toss around the word ”racism,” particularly when they are talking about France. I’m no racist. I just don’t like the way my country, its leaders and its citizens have been treated by the nation of France, its leaders and its citizens. That’s my prerogative. Writing about it here is also my prerogative. Those who don’t like it have millions of other weblogs to read.

Oh, and while I’m at it, if my purchase of Moleskine notebooks in any way enriches the French, then I’ll stop those purchases as well. Trust me, it won’t be a difficult life living without anything made or exported by the French! The USA has done far too much for that nation to be treated as we have. Period.

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