You Know What I Want?

14 July 2003

Designing With Web StandardsI want a configuration option in a weblog tool that lets me specify the type of validation I want to achieve (e.g. HTML Transitional, XHTML Strict, etc.). By selecting this option, a ”valid set” of buttons are turned on for editing entries, and no entry can be published/posted without a warning that it doesn’t conform.

What’s the term? Well-formed. That’s it. I want my weblog tool to force me to publish well-formed entries. In a perfect world, it would limit my options to only those tags that produce well-formed entries. Maybe this book I bought today is going to teach me how to do this by hand, but it sure would be nice to have a watchdog for this stuff!

Is that what TypeStyle is supposed to do for me? I bought and paid for it, downloaded it and haven’t taken the time to learn it.

Is Zempt headed in that direction? I’ve got to get into their support forums and prowl around.

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