Seattle Possibilities

13 May 2003

Moving to Seattle was a very real possibility back in January. I continue to look at my job and career options in the area.

craigslist is branching out with new city listings. Seattle has been on the list for a while, and there’s a recent uptick in the number of listings there.

For those who might have become disillusioned with a search, I encourage you to re-engage and think carefully about what you want to do.

Here’s an excerpt from last week’s newsletter from Dan Miller:


In the ”busyness” of modern life, I fear we have lost the rhythm between activity and rest. ”I am so busy.” We say this as a badge of honor, as if our exhaustion were a trophy, and our ability to withstand 70 hour weeks a mark of real character. We convince ourselves that the busier we are, the more we are accomplishing and the more important we must be. But is this really so? Does more activity really mean more accomplishment? To be unavailable to friends and family, to miss the sunsets and the full moons, to blast through all our obligations without time for taking a deep breath – this has become the model of a successful life.

Unfortunately, because we do not rest, we lose our way. Instead of BECOMING more, we are just DOING more. We base our value on what we can do, rather than on who we are. Are you making time for the inhaling half of your life? Our technologies make us available 24/7 to the demands of our work – if we allow it.

Embrace Sabbath days and times in your life. Wisdom, peace, creativity and contentment will grow in those times. Take a walk, give thanks for simple things, bless your children, take a bath with music and candles, turn off the telephone, pager, TV and computer – carve out those times for restoration and spiritual breathing.

Today’s newsletter is a day late – Sunday night we had a violent storm here in Franklin, TN. Our power was out all day Monday. No Internet, no air conditioning, no TV or radio. So my wife Joanne, our son Jared and I spent the day cleaning up trees, talking to the neighbors and going out for lunch. An unexpected Sabbath.

I am fortunate to work in an environment where I see rabbits, guineas, woodpeckers, lightening, clouds, and neighbors. It’s difficult for me to find a refreshing pause in the midst of concrete, asphalt and honking horns. My work setting is the result of having a clear goal and a plan of action. I know what works for me. Have you been able to find the work that provides a balance of ”being” and ”doing?”

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