Searching For The On Ramp

13 May 2003

Ever since someone called it the information superhighway, I’ve thought about the ”end game” in Internet access. How will we get on the highway when the whole thing is ubiquitous?

Will everybody have an AOL or MSN account? I think not. Then, what? Will everybody have T-Mobile accounts for certain cities, airports and Starbucks, but Boingo accounts for other places? Only the early adopters will put up with this nightmare. Who will offer us access? What will the end game look like?

I expect the really fat pipes – the so-called backbone – will remain in the hands of a relatively few big international providers of telecom services. The next set of pipes will likely be in the hands of a more plentiful group of providers of metropolitan or regional networks.

You won’t pay much attention to either of these first two groups unless you just like this stuff.

The more I read and study, the more convinced I become that a wireless technology will provide us with the right combination of mobility, fast access and flexibility across devices. This story drives the point right up to your doorstep! This will become the answer for most of us whether sitting in our homes, our offices or meeting in a restaurant.

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