Yes, We Need To Do This

15 October 2002

We’re barely in the first inning of this terrorism war. They are only getting warmed up. We’ve only started with Afghanistan. Whether these sniper attacks prove to be terrorism or not, the recent communiques from Al Quaeda indicate an intent to do more to harm us. In fact, they may well be the wake up calls to sleepers around the globe.

Just A Few Seconds Of Your Time. Tim Blair asks you to send a message to Australia, which could use a bit of cheer right now. I’ve… [Dailypundit]

Our support for one another and for those in positions of authority is critical right now. We can prevail. We will prevail. But during dark days we’ll need each other. If you’re unclear about how you fit in the overall picture, I encourage you to start today with Day 3 of a 40 day journey!

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