Can Somebody Suspend Their Arrogance

15 October 2002

long enough to see the opportunity that is facing the computer industry? Sun is down, but not out. Apple is up, but not a force, yet. Linux advocates continue to hawk ’linux on the desktop.’ Nobody likes buying from a monopoly. Microsoft is attempting to do to AOL what it did to Netscape.
Microsoft is a powerful, savvy competitor, but between the frustration over its new licensing/pricing and the monopoly standing that it has in so many markets, we’re approaching a time when we’re as beholden to Microsoft as we are to the public utility.
Now is the time for Oracle, Sun, Apple, Linux advocates – even IBM – to launch a viable alternative to Microsoft’s control of the desktop computer.

Analysts see layoffs at Sun. The server giant could cut as many as 8,000 jobs, or 20 percent of its work force, according to a Merrill Lynch analyst. Other analysts also predict layoffs. [CNET]

Wal-Mart is doing its part. Somebody pull this group together and bring an open source alternative to the masses!

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