Sometimes You're Not Competing With Reality

3 October 2002

Today’s culture and today’s job market create the illusion that everyone is on the fast track. Everyone is Stanford educated or Harvard educated or whatever. Everyone is not! People in today’s world fabricate, embellish, inflate – people lie. Employers often do such a poor job of checking backgrounds that these lies are allowed to linger.
Don’t cave into the temptation to ”market yourself” by using fiction. Your background is solid. Your skills are needed. Your experience is unique and there’s an employer out there who needs you. Don’t damage that!

Veritas Executive Resigns After Lie About M.B.A. Is Revealed. Veritas Software said Kenneth Lonchar, its chief financial officer, had resigned after it was discovered that he lied about receiving a degree from Stanford. By Jonathan Moules, [New York Times: Business]

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