For The More Raucous Among You

3 October 2002

DAWN OLSEN HAS LEFT THE BLOGSPOT and moved to a slick new Sekimori-designed site that’s now here. A problem with Blogger was the immediate cause of the move: ”I am shocked at how dependent I have become on the technical tools that I take for granted. Without them I feel helpless. I feel the walls closing in on me.”

Look, I am incredibly grateful for what Pyra, Blogger, and Blogspot have done for the blogosphere. But now I cringe whenever I see a blogspot link—or even the telltale URL that tells me the site is blogger powered. Because I know that the link may not work, or that if it works now it probably will stop working later.
Really: if you can afford to move, do. You’ll be doing yourself, and the rest of us, a favor. These folks have done it, too. UPDATE: Misha has made the move too! [InstaPundit]

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