
9 April 2004

Which of the two doctype declarations in the preceding post should be used?

How does one properly and correctly show markup within an entry so that it can be discussed? I’m told that the word, ”I’m” requires a special character for the apostrophe.

Here is the word without the special character: I’m

Here is the word with the special character – & rsquo;: I’m

Here is the word with the special character – & #8217;: I’m

I had to put a space after the ampersand to actually show the code. Why? What’s the better way? I want to be able to show the code I’m using and ask questions about it. Help!

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9 April 2004

It’s time to get back to the study of web standards, XHTML, CSS and the techniques involved in writing lean, effective web pages. My most recent reminder to get back to this came when I realized how different the doctype declarations can be.

While I can’t recall precisely the language from Jeffrey Zeldman’s book, I know that at some point, after explaining doctype, he said, simply go here, view source and copy the doctype declaration. I believe it has changed slightly since the time of the book.

On page 157 of the book is this:<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C/DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

And, from the website is:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">

It took me the better part of an hour to do the trial-and-error work that finally made the code above appear as code. Until I changed all the greater-than and less-than signs to their ”special characters,” there was no code showing. I love the sites that can show the markup, write some narrative, then follow it with more lines of the actual markup. I have no idea whether I’ve done this the proper way, but at least you can see the differences between the book and the actual web page. I’ll have to learn why those differences exist and what the best way is. I’ll also confirm the method for showing markup on a web page when you’re actually describing the markup.

Designing With Web StandardsIf I accept W3C and Zeldman as authorities, I cannot accept the doctype declaration that is automatically added to a new XHTML document created in NoteTab, TopStyle Pro or other editors. My personal experience thus far is that those editors put a different doctype declaration in the page. I don’t know why.

These are the kinds of issues that limit progress. Why is there such general agreement on the proper way to do things, but few (if any) of the tools actually deliver the preferred method? If I continually bog down at the doctype declaration, I never get to the CSS or the markup of the page!

Anyhow, the need to get back into this stuff is mounting. I plan to put some time and attention on it this weekend. One goal is to narrow the list of ”experts” to those that appear to agree on the fundamentals. Perhaps all of the experts already agree, and I’m simply overlooking something.

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Are They Designers Or Developers?

31 March 2004

For Digital Web Magazine, Matthew Mullenweg shows the gray area that exists between the specific expertise of designers and developers. He accomplishes this in the context of PHP For Designers.

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Web Designers' Own Sites Are Their Best Work

31 March 2004

Have you ever noticed how fantastic your favorite designers’ own sites are? Sometimes it seems they save their very best work for themselves!

Here’s a glimpse of their creative process, courtesy of Paul Scrivens.

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Freelancers, Listen Up!

30 March 2004

D. Keith Robinson who writes Asterisk* has provided an excellent analysis of a problem all freelancers share.

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