A New Version Of Mt-Blacklist

4 August 2004

There’s a new version (1.6.5) of MT-Blacklist. It’s a one-line bug fix, but with comment spam being what it is today, Jay Allen is strongly encouraging everyone to upgrade. MT Blacklist 2.0 for the MT 3.0D users is slated for August 11th.

Spread the word.

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An Important Announcement

1 August 2004

Steve Jobs had cancer surgery over the weekend. Few companies of Apple’s stature are as dependent upon their CEO as Apple is. With no chemo or radiation therapy required, we’ll continue to hope and pray that Jobs really can use August to recuperate.

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Are You At Risk Of Being Blacklisted?

1 August 2004

If you’ve given up the fight against comment spam, please reconsider. Adam Kalsey talks about the problem and Jay Allen amplifies the issue.

If you own technology (or an automobile), maintenance and upkeep are inevitable.

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Anybody Got A Feeddemon Tip?

27 July 2004

I’ve subscribed to lots of RSS feeds. They’re arranged in channel groups in my news reader, which is FeedDemon. Now I want to put them into a reading order inside each channel group.

I’d like to have a ”Top Ten” inside each channel group. Is there a way to do that? [I don’t spend much time in support forums. They seem inconvenient to me. So, I’ve not done the requisite searching in the FeedDemon support forums!]

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What Are You Waiting For?

26 July 2004

In addition to good advice about how to handle the upcoming Service Pack #2 for Windows XP, this article serves as a real incentive to buy the Macintosh.

If Apple were on top of its game, it would be launching another ”Switch campaign,” complete with hardware incentives, how-to guides and software promotions. The aim would be to get Windows XP users to use the time required for SP2 on their Mac conversions instead!

I’d sign up for that idea immediately!

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