Roadrunner Lost 2 Hubs

20 November 2002

in our area this morning. We’ve been down or slowed since last night about 7pm. Call the Roadrunner Tech Support line and what do you think you’ll listen to? Right, a loverly violin rendition of Who’s Sorry Now? Yes, loverly!

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It's Beautiful This Morning

11 November 2002

Knoxville had bad weather and so did the Atlanta area. Before it got to either of those places Jackson, TN was hit again. There are at least 16 confirmed deaths in Tennessee and more missing.

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Ever Seen The Mighty Mississippi?

7 November 2002

This past weekend a small airplane went missing as it approached an airport on the banks of the Mississippi River. At the time no one was quite certain where it might have gone down.

Last night we heard that sonar had been used to locate an object on the bottom of the river that might be the shape of a plane’s fuselage. From around 6pm to 10pm the object moved about 200 yards downstream.

Divers were going down only to surface in 90 seconds or so. The current in the area was so strong it was pulling their masks off. If you’ve never seen the mighty Mississippi, it’s big, wide, muddy and treacherous.

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