New Directions

21 November 2002

Louis Gerstner, formerly of IBM, is going to be chairman of The Carlyle Group.

Rudolph Guiliani is likely to become nonexecutive chairman of Worldcom.

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A Billionaire's Rat Race

15 November 2002

Can you picture Ellison pacing up and down the dock? In Vegas parlance, that’s a beached whale.

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It's That Time Again

29 October 2002

When do you think about your goals for a new year? On New Year’s Day? After the football games are over? Have you ever considered planning ahead of time so that you can ’hit the ground running?’

Dan Miller asks these questions and then provides some additional answers here:

* If nothing changed in your life in 2003, would that be okay?

  • If you do want different results one year from now, what are you willing to change?
  • Everyone has ”dreams.” But unless you can turn it into a goal by making it specific and putting a time line on it, it’s likely to just remain a warm, fuzzy dream.
  • Goals are benchmarks – they define meaningful action and direction.
  • Having written goals will put you in a 3% category of the people on the face of the earth.
  • Have your goals set by November 15th so you can anticipate the beginning of the New Year with confidence and purpose.

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48 Days To The Work You Love

22 October 2002

Every Monday I receive an email newsletter from Dan Miller at The Business Source, Inc. Dan has been doing career advisory and counseling services for many years. His web site is at Not a week goes by that I don’t find at least one or two ’keepers’ in the newsletter. You don’t need to be searching to benefit. He simply publishes outstanding material for anyone who works for a living.

In yesterday’s newsletter, Dan titled one article ”Dream Jobs to Go.” Here’s what he had to say:

Last week I talked about unusual jobs in this space. Lots of people asked more questions about putting unusual interests to work – in ways that really do generate income. How would you like one of the following?

How to Get Started Earning Money as a Poet
How to Get Started as a Professional Organizer
How to Break Into Romance Writing
How to Get Started as a Wilderness Guide
How to Break in as a Mystery Shopper
How to Bum Your Way Around the World on a Boat

”Dream Jobs to Go” has these and many more unusual titles. Most of the material is in inexpensive ebook format, meaning you can purchase and download it instantly. Check it out:

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