Extremists Unite?

21 June 2002

When I read stories like this one and follow it with the one below, I go into ”conspiracy mode.” Were they ”smart enough” to identify factions of our own population so disillusioned that they could be ”bought?” Did anyone check? Is this another example of seeing the picture only after each dot was connected? (Is anyone else sick of the ”connecting the dots” analogy?)


WASHINGTON Just weeks before Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995, U.S. intelligence and law enforcement received several warnings that Islamic terrorists were seeking to strike on American soil and that a likely target was government buildings, documents show.

The information, though it was never linked to McVeigh, was stark enough that the Clinton administration urged stepped up security patrols and screening at federal buildings nationwide, including those in Oklahoma.

The government, however, didn’t fortify buildings with cement barriers like those hurriedly installed after McVeigh detonated his explosive-laden truck at the curb of the Murrah building on April 19, 1995, officials said.

Islamic extremists are determined to ”strike inside the U.S. against objects symbolizing the American government in the near future,” said one warning obtained by The Associated Press.

I don’t think this is getting as much attention as it deserves. I hope that someone is looking into it. [InstaPundit]

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