Making Money With A Weblog

20 June 2002

Is there a business lurking under all this fun?

Yesterday, we saw The Drudge Report’s numbers. I asked some questions about making money with a weblog. Things like revenue streams, adverstising as a soul source of revenue and how much traffic one needs to have in order to shift a weblog from hobby to business are important considerations.

Day two wrapup, and a change of plans. Has it only been two days? It feels like a month. Well, we didn’t meet my overly ambitious goal for yesterday, but I didn’t really expect to. We did, however, have another impressive day, with another 290 new members joining, and nearly $10,000 more raised. I think that today we can easily reach the halfway mark, $35,000. That gives me at least six months (and I’m sure I can make it last longer), to get my ducks in a row, get the paperwork underway, and do the work of making K5 a non-profit. So I think that the goal today will be $35,000 and at that point, we are going to call this fundraiser over so we can go back to doing what we’re here to do. []

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