Obsession With Political Correctness

19 June 2002

takes us into illogical realms. When thinking of any crime in this country and how it is perpetrated and by whom, we should not ignore trends and patterns. Should a policeman facing a person with a gun ignore it because he might be unfairly ’profiling’ that person as someone who intends to do harm?
Which side do we err on – the one that grants the benefit of the doubt to someone or the side that protects this nation even if some innocent people get questioned along the way? I’d rather have liberty than death and profiling may be the only way to prevent the latter! Unfortunately, there are those in this country who cannot except, ”Give me profiling or give me death!” How else are our citizens to be protected? Keep after it, Rob!

Earlier Statements. Discrimination and profiling at the border… I know that may sound horrible but in light of September 11 it makes sense. [Rob Fahrni, at the core.]

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