Small Yellow Triangle

25 February 2002

Now I’ve got a small yellow triangle in the lower left border of my browser window that says, ”Done, but with errors on page.” What is that? This just started after I laid off from posting for a few days.
I must have close to 240 hours of effort expended doing trial and error work. Am I the slowest rat in this race? Is there some other weblogging tool that is better suited to someone with my (lack of) skills?
I’ve got only $40 in Radio. I’ve got close to $800 in a suite of Macromedia software tools, and almost $400 in books. I’d gladly spend another $500 to figure this stuff out if I thought it was only a matter of money. But…
It’s not. The need is for clear, specific instruction about how and where to make the kinds of changes that Radio is calling for to produce certain results.

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