Mainstream Media Rant

4 June 2002

They want the story to be about them

I can’t describe how weary I am of the mainstream media’s interrogation of the government about preventing 9/11. We can’t prevent it. It happened. From here we must move on. We’ve got to figure out what the police, military and intelligence structure needs to be for the world we now live in.
It isn’t news when someone reports that one agency of the government may have failed to communicate with another. I’ve seen the same thing happen in families, in churches, and in businesses. Government culture is a unique animal. If you doubt it, read this.
Changing any culture – corporate, government or otherwise – even a minute amount is difficult. Transforming a culture requires a strength of will, a patience and a resilience that few leaders ever acquire. To think that the loss of two of the world’s most prominent buildings and the lives within them will create a furtile ground for transformation of government is misguided. It will take a resolve that must outlast our case of National A.D.D.
What bothers me most is that we have most of the same problems we had on 9/11. Where’s Osama? What’s Al Quaida going to do next? How do we secure our nation and root out the terrorists? How can we analyze the vast amounts of intelligence data we gather?
Since 9/11 we’ve added to that list the pursuit of Muslim extremists in the Phillipines, Pakistan and India tossing around the N-word, violence in N. Ireland, all out warfare in the Mideast, a rudderless Catholic priesthood and who knows how many other ”battle fronts?” We simply don’t need to have our government officials undergoing hourly interrogation by the media.
I’m all for accountability, but media scrutiny doesn’t necessarily lead to accountability. We should thank God that this administration isn’t having to focus on all those ”fronts” while providing depositions and testimony before a grand jury. I liked it better when we were flying our flags, drawing together and committing to the war on terrorism. Eight months may be a long time for this nation to remain focused when the media decides what we should focus on!

Bush: FBI, CIA didn’t talk enough [USA Today : Front Page]

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