My Favorite Designers

3 June 2002

Here’s a list of great web designers:
Joshua Allen
Gail Armstrong
Jon Armstrong
Rosecrans Baldwin
Michael Barrish
Kevin Fanning
Paul Ford
Kevin Guilfoile
Jason Gurley
Heather B. Hamilton
Leslie Harpold
Scott David Herman
Dennis A. Mahoney
Alexis Massie
Magdalen Powers
Tobias Seamon
Andrew Womack
It so happens that this is the list of designers and writers that contributed to Manual. It’s my intent to develop a Radio theme that allows the style you see in many of these. So far, it seems that there is no technical reason that prevents a Radio weblog from resembling them. Clearly, it will require time, patience, and know-how. On good days I have one of those and it changes daily!

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