More Inclusive
28 May 2002
I realized the other day that it wasn’t that long ago that I had no idea what a weblog was. Terms like blogging in all its forms were foreign. I had used the Internet and web sites a lot, but I didn’t really grasp the difference in a vanity site, a weblog and other web sites I might have visited. My first involvement with this medium began on January 13, 2002.
Lately, I’ve identified in my writing some horrible traits. Many of my references have become veiled to all but those who are ”deep” into the weblogging culture or the Radio (by Userland Software) culture or in other ways insiders to this whole arena of weblogs.
With this post, I’m committing to do a better job of clarifying my references, questions and comments so that weblogging takes on much more of a personal publishing look-and-feel. Those who are getting their first exposure to this on any given day should be able to pick it up fairly quickly.
Ed Cone’s guest column below was the inspiration for this thinking. He has written a guest column or essay for Davenet, which is a weblog edited by ”Dave” Winer, CEO of Userland Software.
Guest DaveNet: A Personal Look at Blogging.[Scripting News]
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