Radio's Templates And Design

25 May 2002

are still rather unclear to me. I agree with Jenny about doing these various things to a weblog, but what I can’t understand is how you preserve all of this when you begin making graphics, color, layout and overall design changes. When I change the ”theme” of my weblog to one that is custom, how do I preserve all of these changes that have been made to these templates? How do I make certain that the small things find their ways to the proper page placements?

Aggregator-roll. Thanks to jenett for pointing me to Andy who pointed me to Jake’s Radio ’Blog, which ultimately ended up in me finally being able to re-publish a list of the sites to which I subscribe! There’s now a Radio macro for this that you can insert into any template. Since I subscribe to so many sites, I put it on its own page, so you can now view a list of Sites I Read in My Aggregator. I’ll be adding a permanent link to it on the right. I also plan to re-do my blogroll using Radio’s outliner at some point, too. [The Shifted Librarian]

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