Email Regarding Newbie Questions

12 February 2002

Email regarding yesterday’s Newbie Questions and Dave’s & John’s answers was overwhelmingly positive. I’m a little surprised. It seems that the community of users who want to do some of the things I want to do with Radio is quite a bit larger than I realized.
It appears to me that Radio users may fall into at least three groups as users – or perhaps users pass through three phases in their use of Radio. Some may stop in the phase they need or want and move no further. The fact is that the lines between each of these phases are blurred.
A rough summary of what I heard is:

  • BASIC USER: Downloaded Radio, made it work, love it for posting

  • ADVANCED USER: I want to enhance the look of my site and really exploit Categories, News Feeds and the like

  • WEB DEVELOPER: I’m redesigning my site to use CSS; I wish I had done this to begin with; there’s a lot more I haven’t figured out, yet.

  • PROGRAMMER: Radio is moving me into XML, Web Services, SOAP and other cool stuff

All the messages were encouraging. Most people made it clear that there’s no problem stopping or pausing in any of these phases, other than possibly the last. That’s where enormous change is happening.
I’ll continue to share my questions, the answers and some trial-and-error methods I’ve gone through as I get things nailed down.
A hearty thanks to everyone for their positive remarks!

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