Exclusiveness Can Mean Many Things!

18 May 2002

Exclusive parties, exclusive neighborhoods, exclusive country clubs have tended to be things that some people pursued with vigor in today’s rat race. However, exclusivity has a clear downside. The notion that our fellow man is not ”one of us,” sends the wrong message when we’re talking about caring for others. Whether large or small, legalistic Christian organizations simply aren’t needed. The last thing this world needs is another restrictive, exclusive church bent on enforcing its own interpretation of rules.
To Catholic leaders I say, ”get rid of anyone mistreating children and see that they are prosecuted fully.” To legalistic pastors I say, ”Find a way to embrace – not condemn.” This woman’s child doesn’t need your particular style of mistreatment either!

They’ll know we’re Christians by our exotic dancing. A single mother condemned by her church for her job is holier than it is. [Salon.com]

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