All Work Is A Process

15 May 2002

We do a lot of work for clients who ask us to help them improve something. Sometimes it’s a distribution issue or a warehouse problem or a collections matter or … Well, the list goes on. In virtually every case a mental model and understanding of the steps required to get from where our client is to where they want to be is the key step. Once they see it done, they think, ”how simple.” Yet, many people can’t or won’t pause long enough to think the plan through before launching it – me included!
There is much similarity between Deming’s plan-do-check-act(PDCA) cycle for improving a process and the development methodologies that software people use.

ABCs of Three Development Processes. The ABCs of XP, RAD, and PSP looks at Rapid Application Development (RAD), Extreme Programming (XP), and the Personal Software Process (PSP), three development processes. The software development industry… [meryl’s notes]

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