Some Thoughts About the Pack

7 January 2006

Technologists don’t understand Google. Some say the Google Pack is worthless because it’s focused (first) on Windows XP. Others point out that the software is already available elsewhere. Still others know a better way. There’s more to the story than what the insiders believe is reality.

What the techies don’t get is everybody’s not a techie! Having a trusted source say, “do this,” well, it’s what so many users of PC’s need. A friend and I often help individuals and small businesses with their information technology strategies and implementations.

Most users know there’s something called spyware, but they have no clue as to what to do about it. Viruses offer the same puzzle. Multi-media is loudly hyped, but what does a business user select as the single application or suite of applications for this “need?”

Google is providing quite a service by making a decision for the unknowing and—more importantly—providing a centralized spot for keeping everything up to date! If you don’t have a trusted advisor, I’d suggest you uninstall any and all of your past attempts at the tools that Google Pack replaces. Then, download it and use it!

Here’s my history with the applications prior to Google Pack:

  • Google Earth – got it; love it
  • Picasa – what to use?; Flickr?; this one awaits my camera choice
  • Google Pack Screensaver – I use plain vanilla Windows XP screensavers
  • Google Desktop – it’s downloaded, but I don’t use it
  • Google Toolbar for IE – I recommend it to clients who stick with IE, but I use Firefox
  • Firefox with Google Toolbar – my daily browser
  • Norton AV 2005 Special Edition – I use & install Norton; it or something like it must be on every PC
  • Ad-Aware SE Personal – use it every week & recommend it along with Spybot Search & Destroy
  • Adobe Reader 7 – this & Winzip belong on every Windows PC

You’ve got alternatives? That’s what the comments are for!

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