Haste Makes Waste!

11 May 2002

Haste makes waste!

I think I’m learning something new, but I need your comments to be sure. I was going to add a selection of links to my home page that would allow viewing posts by category.
Here’s what I think is going on. First, the links need to be added to the MAIN template not the HOME template. That way, the links will be visible from all the pages on the site. Second, comments and search capabilities need to be added to the MAIN template and not just the HOME template. In fact, these features must be added both places.
Finally, does anyone know why some posts show up in categories that were not checked originally? I have HTML or RADIO posts showing up in my VALUE INVESTING category. Is there some way to ’re-index’ categories without going back and hand-editing each post? This may relate to the problem I’ve never solved where a category was renamed, but still has the original category name at the operating system level. For me they look like this:

  • myFriends
  • myInterests
  • leadingIt
  • careerHelp

Each of these was renamed. Yet, at the operating system level they have the names shown above. Worse still is the fact that several posts are showing up in category views where they don’t belong. When I go to the specific post and look at the category selections, they don’t show certain categories as checked. Yet, they appear in that view.
Can anybody offer any help?

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