Simply Shameless

11 August 2004

Today, I wrote the following note to the Treasurer of the Democratic National Comittee. It was prompted by my reaction to an article he posted today.

August 11, 2004

Mr. Tobias:

I began reading your work in the mid-1970’s. I have a hardback copy of The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need. You helped me set the proper financial course during my first years out of college. I have provided recent editions of the book to my three daughters. I’ve been a ”fan” a long time.

Today, I am making the decision to discontinue the quickbrowse subscription to your daily articles. Over time, you and I have changed. You have become as shameless as many other ultra-liberal democrats. Today’s article (8-11-2004) called ”Pray For Us” is the final evidence I need to know that what I say is true.

Once you and your party have decided to stoop so low just ”to win,” many people will no longer consider you worthy to engage in the debates about the greater ideas. It’s a shame you’ve decided to waste such a keen intellect on the petty (and demeaning) message you provided today. You have far better and far more to offer this country.

Know that my ire is not over politics. Had you made today’s remarks about my local sanitation worker, I would feel the same way. You crossed a line. It is terribly unfortunate.

I wish you well and thank you for the many years of financial savvy you have provided.

Steve Pilgrim

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  1. Mick    11 August 2004, 21:46    #