The Switch

11 July 2004

I’m still contemplating a major switch of all of my technology from Windows XP to Macintosh. If you’ve got thoughts about what the real essentials for a Macintosh might be, let me know. Here’s what I know I’ve got to have:

  • Office
  • Outlook (for email)
  • browser
  • spam protection
  • virus protection
  • spyware protection
  • RSS feed reader
  • photo editing (using Photoshop Elements now)
  • text/XHTML editor
  • TopStyle for CSS
  • FTP software
  • any other “must haves” that I haven’t listed?

Oh, and thanks for the help!

Filed under:

  1. kevin    12 July 2004, 01:20    #

  2. steven vore    12 July 2004, 11:50    #

  3. Dane Carlson    12 July 2004, 14:55    #

  4. Rob Fahrni    13 July 2004, 08:51    #

  5. Robert Boylin    18 July 2004, 21:00    #

  6. yabooo    18 July 2004, 22:02    #

  7. Tschotsch    18 July 2004, 22:21    #