Scott Is Right On Target
7 May 2002
Scott is right on target
There is an arrogance that seems to permeate some HR departments. They see themselves as protectors of their co-workers’ time or as enforcers of government or corporate policy. Seldom do these types of HR depts. come across as seriously interested in making a great hire for their company or providing a service to those on the outside looking in.
And You Wonder Why People that are Out of Work Get Frustrated – Here’s an email that just came to me a few moments ago. This is from a job I applied for 2 months ago! Can anyone out there that works in human resources tell me what’s going on? Why does it take 2 months to tell a job candidate that it might be another 30 days? I don’t get it. HR? Hello? Anyone got a clue? And here’s why this matters: I’ll never, ever think favorably of CenterSpan as a vendor. If this is how they treat people who want to work for them, how will they treat customers? [The FuzzyStuff Weblog]
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