Daughter Number Three

14 June 2004

Daughter #3 has never liked being ”the baby.” She was convinced when she went into the seventh grade that she should have her own apartment. ”Independent” doesn’t begin to describe her.

This morning I put her on a flight for New York. She’s a professional ballet dancer and will be dancing for the next couple of months at American Ballet Theatre. She graduated from high school a year early by going to college to get enough credits. She turned professional immediately out of high school.

She’s now completed her fourth year as a professional ballerina. She danced with ABT a couple of years ago. She’s been invited back.

Yes, I’m a proud dad. She’s hit the big time. There are few places that rival ABT in the ballet world. It’s been an unbelievable experience to see someone discover their dream at age four and never once question their calling. She’s never needed coaxing or coercion to get to lessons, classes, rehearsals or performances. Few people love what they do more than she does.

Virginia Clark, you are in our prayers. We miss you already!

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