Some Sunday Morning Thoughts

6 June 2004

Ronald Reagan's Legacy Lives On

  • I wish it was easy for a layperson to find the archives of mainstream media commentary about Ronald Reagan dating to the early 1980’s. Were such things available, we’d find an amazing contradiction between what the liberals have been saying this past twelve hours and what they said then.
  • It occurs to me that we’re very likely seeing a new floor in the price of oil around $35 to $40 a barrel. Days of $25 a barrel are probably gone. How fast will we ramp our distribution network for diesel fuel? How fast will we jump from SUV’s to hybrid luxury cars?
  • For those who want to know what a ”classical liberal” is, read the links in this entry. As my good friend Craig Cantoni says, think of us as small ”L” libertarians. Think of the total elimination of certain cabinet-level departments in our federal government. You’ll begin to see the ”revolutionary” reshaping of a government bloated beyond any current Republican resizing proposals!
  • Interest rates are likely to rise for the balance of 2004 and into 2005. Who will the nation look to for the optimism that Ronald Reagan returned to this nation in 1981?

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