How Far Does $600 Go?

17 May 2004

Some of you read my entry about needing to spend $600 to stay on Movable Type and sent emails. I’ve learned that the templates on my weblogs may have to be altered to run MT 3.0, but I can’t find out where, how or why.

That lack of knowledge spells ”more money.” Someone who knows the issues associated with upgrading to MT 3.0 will have to be paid to migrate my sites. That means the cost is in excess of $600. It raises the question of how far $600 might take me in trying to move my sites and their designs over to WordPress.

Eric Meyer seemed to have little trouble moving from his ”home-grown” solution to WordPress. Trust me, I’m no Eric Meyer! So, what’s this really going to cost?

Pay to upgrade to MT 3.0: license fee + design assistance = $ x
Pay to move to WordPress: $0 license fee + design assistance = $ y

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