So, It Comes To This

29 March 2004

I don’t work 24×7. I’m not ”on call,” for longer than I choose to be. There are times that I simply disconnect from the PDA, cell phone, office phone, email and the answering machines simply do their jobs. There are other times when I choose to work at 3:30 a.m. That’s my decision.

Apparently, Mr. Rove’s position denies him that same freedom to decide. We now approach a state of existence where the gap between the ”haves” and the ”have-nots” grows wider, and those who resent it grow bolder. Someone once said he, ”feared the day when America’s richest lived behind gated communities with guns mounted on top of the walls.”

Stories such as this give a whole new meaning to the notion and methods of Neighborhood Watch. When they bus themselves to your neighborhood on the weekend to make a point, or terrify children, it’s time for change.

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  1. marc    29 March 2004, 06:52    #