Site Redesign

13 March 2004

I’m closer to starting a complete site redesign here. If you’re willing to help, let me know. I’m going to need someone who really knows Movable Type and standards-based design. If you’ve also got an eye for graphic design and how to do a makeover, we should talk.

Among things I want to deal with:

  • Update the logo
  • Add some color, subtract some color, mute some color
  • Change to MySQL as the underlying database
  • Close comments after X days
  • Spellcheck every entry before posting
  • Get to valid CSS and XHTML where practical
  • Change the look of blockquotes
  • Number the comments with oldest listed first
  • Implement CSS or style switcher (Is this called ”skinning?”)
  • Expand the use of PHP where useful and appropriate
  • Change the look and behavior of links (is this hover or rollovoer?)
  • Improve the site navigation
  • Move some sidebar items to separate pages
  • Improve the use of disk space, particularly with images
  • Take advantage of plugins where applicable
  • Alter the sidebar script that handles ”On This Day”
  • Rethink sidebars, blogrolls and additional pages of resources
  • Should titles be permalinks? (Is this even the right question?)
  • Improve and expand the use of RSS feeds – including excerpts, extended entries, RSS feeds for each category, etc.
  • List the top 10 most frequent commenters

This is a quote from the Asterisk* site:

First I have to disclaim that I feel Asterisk* is a personal Web site, built with weblog technology and with a blog component.

There is much more to this site than the weblog.

I like that. It fits the way I’m thinking about my own site as I move forward.

Goals include:

  1. Don’t lose or damage entries dating back to January of 2002
  2. Give the site an improved platform for expansion
  3. Lose some weight in lines, type and images
  4. Learn more about how to use Movable Type
  5. Make the site more appealing to visitors

Watch for this entry to be broken out to its own page of design goals and attributes as I move forward with the effort. What I’m hoping to accomplish won’t likely happen in a weekend absent some serious help from a skilled web designer and developer.

I have identified 40 recent entries from a list of expert designers and sites.

  1. Geeks Gone Wild
  2. Jay has a summary of the discussion on the ”next generation” of blogging tools
  3. Closing comments on those old posts
  4. Lockergnome Critique
  5. MyStack
  6. LockerGnome
  7. lovelinks: css layout on forums
  8. Code is Food
  9. It’s Worse Than You Can Imagine
  10. Essential Software
  11. Code is food
  12. Code is food
  13. CSS Problem-Solving
  14. Defensive Design
  15. Why Not Web Standards?
  16. Design Philosophy
  17. Side note: I hate BerkeleyDB
  18. lovelinks: html editors
  19. DesignAlternativesForBlog
  20. SytleMaster CSS page layout Tutorial
  21. Great CSS Design
  22. Six Tips For Better RSS Feeds
  23. SkinningYourBlog
  24. Skinning Newbie? This Site Is Designed With You In Mind
  25. Installing Movable Type locally on Windows XP
  26. Easy to follow layout tutorial
  27. Self paced course reminder: week 5
  28. Links: 2003-12-30
  29. A Movable Type Intranet
  30. Collapsible Menus
  31. asst. mt tips
  32. Rounded Corners – inspired by Sliding Doors
  33. Top 10 Reasons to Learn CSS
  34. XHTML Transitional, Strict – What’s the Difference?
  35. Why Should You Learn CSS?
  36. Mozilla site redesigned with TopStyle
  37. House of CSS
  38. Turning Up the Heat on Standards
  39. Floatutorial
  40. SimpleQuiz> Part I: Headings

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