For Future Reference

15 February 2004

A couple of issues of BusinessWeek arrived at the same time this past week. Three things were covered which bare tucking away for future use.

First, and most amazing, is the news that major surgery in Bangkok, Thailand is often one third to half the cost of identical surgery in the USA. People interviewed talk about saving as much as 65% or 70% even after paying for air fare and spending a couple of weeks on vacation recuperating.

On a completely different subject is the notion that desktop Linux truly is making some inroads. Also, showing a substantial savings, the Linux operating system with Sun’s SmartSuite costs in the neighborhood of $100 as compared to roughly $600 for Microsoft’s operating system with Office. There could be real momentum building for the Java Desktop System.

Finally, there’s a great new book from Roger Lowenstein titled Origins of the Crash. If you have any doubt at all what caused the stock market bubble of the 1990’s, this should move to the top of your reading list.

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