February 25, 2004 - Ash Wednesday...

27 January 2004

...is opening day for the movie, ”The Passion of the Christ.” I encourage anyone who has the slightest interest in the movie, the story, the Savior or the politically-motivated criticisms that have and will attempt to distort the movie’s message – I encourage you to read several articles to get a sense of who is most critical and what their motives might be.

In the any list of articles you’ll find high praise as well. There is a significant possibility that an otherwise ”secular” medium can be used for great good. Read both sides of the discussion.

Here’s an article from LilacRose that appeared in this morning’s news aggregator. There are more articles at this web site. It won’t take you long to discover the true nature of so much of our so-called mainstream media.

Don’t allow a single article to influence your views. Take a look at the movie’s web site. Then, read as many of the articles as you can to gain some broader view of how the movie’s message will be accurately or inaccurately portrayed. In particular, you can learn much about the heart of Mel Gibson from this article.

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