Flying The Banner Of Validation

26 January 2004

Andy Budd was apparently called out for having validation buttons on his web site during a brief period when the site didn’t actually validate. This morning I had 824 errors when I ran the Rodent Regatta through the validator.

I type every character of every XHTML tag required to make entries here. I type every character of every ”img src=”http…”” tag that appears here. Still, I have 824 validation errors.

Until there is a tool that conveniently allows and enforces valid entries to be written without diverting my attention from writing to markup coding, I’ll be satisfied with my error count. It’s frustrating, but that’s just the way it is going to be until hitting the ”return” key in this Movable Type text entry box doesn’t force some sort of invalid ”p” tag, which is what I’m told is happening. Who knows? Does it really matter?

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