Defacers Are Running Rampant

22 January 2004

As I plowed through my news aggregator this morning, the common theme of spam – both email and comment – began to appear in all kinds of places. First, I noticed SimpleBits suspending comments. Then, there was this at kadyellebee.

Finally, when I got the the published blacklist from scriptygoddess, I knew it was time to take additional precautions. So, I imported her list into mine. Here’s my updated blacklist for those who want to continue to build a new master list. We really should find a way to get all the users of MT-Blacklist to aggregate their individual blacklists into a master!

  • * * UPDATE * * * There’s a new version of MT-Blacklist ready for download. It squares away some issues associated with Movable Type version 2.661.

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