What Is A Leader?
13 January 2004
In The New Economics For Industry, Government, Education Dr. W. Edwards Deming had this to say about leadership:
What is a leader? As I use the term here, the job of a leader is to accomplish transformation of his organization. He possesses knowledge, personality and persuasive power.
How may he accomplish transformation? First, he has theory. He understands why the transformation would bring gains to his organization and to all the people that his organization deals with. Second, he feels compelled to accomplish the transformation as an obligation to himself and his organization. Third, he is a practical man. He has a plan, step by step.
But what is in his own head is not enough. He must convince and change enough people in power to make it happen. He possesses persuasive power. He understands people.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming
Chapter 5: Leadership
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