Mowing The Yard Or Working On The Lawn Mower?

12 January 2004

For the purists out there who see a web site as valuable only if it is accessible, semantic, valid, standards-based, well-formed, etc., writing such a site is apparently quite easy. Much of the time, those who write sites that comply are writing about their site or others that comply.

I want to ”just write.” I don’t want to pause every time I use a contraction and try to remember what the code number for the apostrophe is.

A couple of those purists have told me to use Topstyle Pro as the editor for every entry I post. That way I can have a spell-checker, a validation-checker, etc. Nick Bradbury, Topstyle Pro’s author, links to a list of ”great software” where Topstyle Pro gets mentioned.

I promise to devote some time to learning enough about Topstyle Pro to determine whether or not it is practical to make it the editor used for all entries. Wouldn’t it be great if Topstyle Pro could somehow hide behind the text entry box of Movable Type and give me all of its grand and glorious benefits without my having to know whether or not it is ”right” for me to use italics this way?

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