Some Things I Still Don't Get

3 January 2004

Within the past week or so, Robert Scoble linked to Tantek Celik’s entry which compiled a list of links that are helpful in improving and optimizing weblogs. There’s a follow-up entry as well.

The goal was to compile resources that could make markup ”smaller, simpler and more semantic.” In the first entry Tantek introduced something called XFN, which stands for XHTML Friends Network.

One of the first things he pointed to in the first entry is the preference for using <h1...h2...etc> tags in lieu of the break and strong and other tags. I’m all for becoming valid, semantic and well-formed. I understand those are things I should desire as much as being in shape. The challenge, as is often the case, is in the ”how.” How to start? How to be certain? How to continue to write without having the markup become the objective rather than the tool?

I guess it’s time to follow those links and see what the prescription calls for.

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